9月13日Journal Club--The stories behind the papers

9月13日Journal Club--The stories behind the papers 

  新的学期,新的开始。神经所的Journal Club不是宣讲台,不是授课场,更不是报告会。它理应是一个自由讨论,随心交流的公共场所,好比咖啡吧。 

  基于以上考虑,今年的Journal Club将采取蒲先生的建议,形式为根据所内的Colloquia & Seminars Schedule上speaker, 我们将讨论安排在该speaker之前,主要围绕他(她)的研究领域,再有Journal Club在所内邀请比较了解该领域的高年级的师兄师姐进行导读,并挑选出1-2篇该作者代表性的论文进行深入讨论。其目的是要实现让参与者真正的融入进来进行交流讨论,以期获得真正的收益。如此一来也要求参加者事先做一些必要的阅读。 

  如果将阅读文献分为 读懂--读通--读透 三个层次, 我想Journal Club最起码应该定位于第二层。俗话说“众人抬柴火焰高”,Journal Club是否能够为我们的同学带来真正的好处,全仰仗神经所诸位师兄师姐的鼎力支持,还有参加者的积极参与。对于诸位师兄师姐来说,因为是做相关领域的导读,所以我相信于人于己都会是有所收获的。而低年级的同仁自然是最大的受益人,只要你我真想自我提高,这绝对是一个不容错失的好机会。 

  神经所的Journal Club是一个游离于娱乐和学术之间的学生自己的活动,参加者都是你我的同学好友,自然,随意,于谈笑风生之间探寻科学的奥秘,你,还在等什么? 

  Journal Club第一期: The stories behind the papers 


  Time: 6:30PM Thursday (9/13) 

  Hello, everyone! In the coming Thursday, Dr. Sun will introduce his previous works briefly and share with us his personal stories behind these exiciting papers. How can he published so many papers during his postdoc periods? why he choosed to do another postdoc research though he had published very good papers?  what about his ideas on the scientific research and scientific life?…If you had any interests, please come to the Journal Club, talk with him, and then ask him directly. Thank you very much! 
