3月15日Journal club--Some interesting techniques based on Optogenetic approach

3月15日Journal club--Some interesting techniques based on Optogenetic approach 

  Topic1: Some interesting techniques based on Optogenetic approach
  Speaker: Yan Xingjian(闫行健) From Poo’s lab
  Topic2: optogenetics――besides electrophysiology
  Speaker: Li Yiding(李一丁) From Zhang Xiaohui’s lab
  Time: 2012.3.15 (Thursday) 18:30
  Place: Room 430, ION Building
  We look forward to seeing you!
  时逢这周五下午Pro. Luis de Lecea将在所里做一个有关optogenetic的Colloquium, journal Club也趁机邀请到蒲组的闫行健和章组的李一丁(两位同学在optogenetic的应用方面都有丰富的经验,前者in vivo,后者in vitro)来JC介绍一下optogenetic,算是抛砖引玉吧,希望大家共聚一堂畅聊optogenetic的现状、应用及未来。
  (From Yan Xingjian) Optogenetic is a powerful technique for neuroscientist to study neurophysiology problem by manipulating certain type of neurons specifically. Many published paper have already demonstrate its ability to conquer the unsolved the problem, and by the increasing number of available vectors, transgenic mice and other related sources, optogenetic approach would undoubtedly become a basic tool for regular neuroscience study. To embrace the new technique and better understand its application scope, in the coming journal club, I will share my knowledge and experience in optogenetic study and also introduce some interesting techniques which have been developed base on the optogenetic approach.
  (From Li Yiding) optogenetics在electrophysiology中的应用,想必大家都是有目共睹的了,但是optogenetics的强大却非仅限于electrophysiology。我主要review一下近期optogenetics在imaging以及molecular and cellular biology里的应用,向大家传达一个概念:optogenetics确实是一个划时代的技术,可以渗透到各个领域,只要你想得到!同时也是介绍最新的技术进展,希望给大家设计实验的时候提供新的想法和思路。

