蒲慕明POO Mu-Ming 1948年出生,中国科学院院士,美国科学院外籍院士,现任中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心学术主任,上海脑科学与类脑研究中心主任。他是国际著名的神经生物学家和生物物理学家,他建立的“光漂白”技术至今仍是测量细胞内蛋白运动速度的标准实验方法,他在膜蛋白动态运动、神经元发育和轴突导向、突触形成和可塑性、神经环路的功能等领域都有重要贡献。
家国天下 临危受命
矢志不渝 改革不止
树立学习标杆Mu-ming Poo is nurturing a Shanghai neuroscience institute that offers a glimpse of his country's future as a bioscience superpower.
倡导批判性思维Poo encourages students to critique articles in Nature, Science and Cell, which are often considered unassailable in China. He arranges for renowned scientists to give lectures, and asks his students to grill them with challenging questions.
率先开展同行评估He evaluates faculty members and recruits on the basis of peer-reviewed publications and other achievements. To replace the bureaucratic review of scientific work in China, for example, Poo brought in an independent review system that applied even to esteemed CAS members.
开创国内第一The results are clear. ION researchers authored China's first neuroscience papers in Cell, Science, Neuron, Nature Neuroscience and Nature Cell Biology and, until 2005, the ION accounted for more than half of all top-level neuroscience publications from Chinese institutions.
拓展中国神经科学领域的版图The ION's "primary accomplishment has been to put neuroscience on the map in China in a way that no other basic neuroscience-research institute in the country has done", says Richard Morris, a neuroscientist at the University of Edinburgh, UK, and a member of the institute's international advisory board.
轮转制度 ION students — 20 or so graduate with PhDs each year — rotate through three different laboratories, evaluate their experiences and then choose a principal investigator as a thesis supervisor.
努力是通往成功的唯一途径Young people, if they want to make it in sciences, must work hard.
科学求真 实践求诚